As if the body was not a boundary, as if history was not full of absences, with the certainty that imagination is absolutely essential. The revolution might indeed lie in the ability to imagine. Before, during, and after the action.

Onyx is a oneiric army of vacuum and presence, the pause before chaos and chaos itself, in the annulment of borders between political and social intervention and the creation of a dreamlike space, charged with silence, noise, nonlinear information, weight, and a fluctuation of tim through joint manipulation. There is calm and meteoric chaos, a sharing of personal archives and fantasies where the skin is intended not as a border but as a vehicle. We bring the voices of mothers into the narrative, we bring the street, the poetry of punchlines, of house, of techno, in limbos of mantras and drums. Ritual. The practice of these bodies is as enchanted as it is brutal. There is the ancestry of a potent future. It is poetic. And it has pleasure. There is confrontation, comfort, I do not know.

© João Octávio Peixoto
© João Octávio Peixoto
© João Octávio Peixoto
© João Octávio Peixoto
© João Octávio Peixoto
© João Octávio Peixoto
© João Octávio Peixoto
© João Octávio Peixoto


Creation, set design and costumes

Movement co-creation
André Cabral

André Cabral, Piny

Sound design and live act
Carincur, Leo Soulflow

Light design and video live act
João Pedro Fonseca

Interviews with
Carla Sousa (Piny’s mum) and Marta Cabral (André Cabral mum)

Texts written by
André Cabral, Helena Palmer, Piny

Joana Costa Santos

DDD - Festival Dias da Dança, Teatro do Bairro Alto, Materiais Diversos, Aveirense Theatre - Aveiro City Council, Rota Clandestina

Support in residence
Teatro do Bairro Alto, Estúdios Victor Cordon, Grand Studio Bruxelles, O Espaço do Tempo, Alkantara

Pedro Jafuno /TBA and João Octávio Peixoto / Festival DDD


Piny believes in a free artistic creation and a cross-research between academia and informality. She is a dancer, performer, choreographer, researcher and teacher. Born in Lisbon of Portuguese and Angolan roots, she graduated in Architecture and Contemporary Dance. In 1999, she began studying North African dances and their contemporary fusions, and since 2006 she has also dedicated herself to Hip Hop culture, Clubbing and Ballroom. She develops her path between performance, creation and curation.