Cafezinho is a multigenerational reflection on time and finitude, with a cast of dance, voice, and music performers, between 23 and 61 years old. The research is based on Café Muller by Pina Bausch and other post-war references, of reconstruction of places, collective, and intimate, which were devastated by the idea of the end. 

This project aims to look at classics and cannons and think about what we want to survive time. Furthermore, it expresses the desire to leave the purgatory in which we find ourselves in, and create strategies that put anxieties to sleep in order to awaken new drives - to caress delicate powers and add fuel to incendiary powers. Cafezinho proposes dancing like someone sending another Voyager Golden Record into our future and facing time head on, paraphrasing Viviane Mozé, who said: “Time, if you’re going to eat me, let it be with my consent and looking into my eyes”!

© Iolanda Pereira
© Iolanda Pereira
© Iolanda Pereira


Artistic Direction
Gaya de Medeiros

Co-creation and Interpretation
Francisco Rebelo, Gaya de Medeiros, Iúri Oliveira, Lívia Espírito Santo, Helena Baronet, Paulina Santos, Ricardo Almeida

Dramaturgical Support
Ana Rocha, Tiago Cadete

Musical Direction
Ricardo Almeida, Gaya de Medeiros

Light and stage design
Tiago Cadete

Silvana Ivaldi

Marin Matos

Technical Direction
Ricardo Pimentel

Marta Moreira / Irreal

Daniela Leitão

Artistic Residency Support
Estúdios Victor Córdon, Polo Cultural das Gaivotas, Teatro do Bairro, Associação Parasita, Companhia Portuguesa de Bailado Contemporâneo — Armazém da Dança, Companhia Olga Roriz, Espaço Alkantara

Culturgest, DDD Festival Dias da Dança, Teatro Municipal de Torres Vedras, BoCA - Biennial of Contemporary Arts, Sekoia - Artes Performativas, BRABA.plataforma

Project financed by República Portuguesa - Cultura | Direção-Geral das Artes

Gaya de Medeiros

Gaya (BR/PT) is a dancer, actress, and director. She has worked with various choreographers and directors in Portugal. In cinema, she starred in the short film Um Caroço de Abacate by Ary Zara, which received multiple awards at various festivals. She created the performances Atlas da Boca (2021), BAqUE (2022), Pai para Jantar (2023), and Cafezinho (2024), which have toured more than 15 countries and 26 cities. She is currently developing the piece Corre, bebé! in collaboration with Ary Zara, set to premiere in 2025. She is the founder of BRABA.plataforma, an initiative aimed at supporting, enabling, and funding projects led by or directed toward the trans and non-binary community.